Sunday 3 September 2017

Planning for a September Roadtrip

The winter of 2017 in South Australia is not quite over but with each day that passes the signs that spring is on the way become more evident.  The birds start chirping and squabbling in their new nests just before the sun comes up, while at the other end of the day it is no longer dark when I get home from work each evening - not big things but subtle triggers for the mind to recognise that the seasons are changing.

With the steadily improving weather, the time is also right to hit the road with the caravan in tow!  Last year we headed for the Flinders Ranges in South Australia's mid-north for a couple of weeks.  This year we will be going a bit further afield and for a bit longer.  Our destination is the Sunshine Coast in Queensland!

Route from SA to QLD via the 'Darling River Run' through NSW

We intend to follow the Darling River while travelling north and east (against the direction of water flow) through outback New South Wales as we make our way towards Queensland.  There will be plenty of nights of bush camping and clear night skies beside the riverbank to enjoy along the way.  It will be a decent haul of ~2,500 km to get there and we haven't really thought about the route home yet.  Not to worry - that will all sort itself out in due time.

With the fun and excitement about a vacation starting as soon as you commence the planning process, I really don't know why we shouldn't just be in a state of planning to be somewhere else all of the time!

Updates on our progress and stories about the interesting and/or stranger things we do or encounter along the way will be provided regularly once we are on the road so that you will always have an answer to the question... WTF? - Where are The Farrows?

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