Monday 11 September 2017

Long Weekend at Cape Jervis

Finally the day to depart had arrived.  The ute had been serviced and was full of fuel and the caravan has clothes, food, beer and wine to ensure that we have everything we could need to have a great time!

After getting up early on account of being very excited to hit the road, the time dragged by so slowly as we let the workforce get their commute done without an unwieldy caravan adding to the peak hour traffic. At 9:30am we could wait no longer so we locked up the house up and set off.

Just a quick 110km south of Adelaide our destination for the first weekend away was Cape Jervis.  Heather's metal detecting club was having their annual field trip down there so we arrived at the site and set up the van for a four night stay - an nice way to ease into the vacation.

The first evening there Heather hosted a 'Welcome to Camp' hot dogs and marshmallow roast which was well received by the 25 or so that had checked-in that day.

Heather serving up hot dog buns, cheese, relish, onions and sauce (ketchup)

Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire

The next couple of days were spent with the rest of the club searching for old artefacts, coins and the like on an old sheep station.  Plenty of spendable and pre-decimal coins were found while Heather also found a couple of old medallions.  One that was issued to school children across the country in 1951 to commemorate 50 years of Federation in Australia and a second, more unusual one, which was issued to members of the 'Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes'.  This 'order' was established in 1822 in London, however, branch offices also sprang up in the colonies.  They still exist today as a philanthropic men's club (the Adelaide branch is located at 232 Main North Road, Prospect, and they meet every alternate Thursday - just in case you are interested).  Feel free to 'Google' it if you want to know more.  It made me think of Fred and Barney in the Flintstone's cartoons heading out to the 'Lodge' wearing their silly hats with antlers.

'Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes' medallion

The writing (in latin) around the perimeter of the medallion is the club motto which says 'Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit', which those of you that are well versed in latin would surely know means 'No man is at all hours wise'.  Who knew?  The buffalo in the centre speaks for itself (I presume).  This metal detecting caper can be educational!

We hit the road again tomorrow heading east into the neighbouring state of Victoria before turning north towards NSW and Queensland.  That's all for this post but just remember, if you keep asking yourself WTF? - Where are The Farrows?, then one day soon the email postman will send you an answer to your question.

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