Monday 11 May 2015

Bernard is released from Quarantine

What a happy day for The Farrows!

After having been transported to Australia and immediately locked-up upon arrival, you can't help but think back to the convicts amongst the first settlers here.  Anyhow, after serving his time, Bernard has been released into our care and he is now a free citizen of the country!

We arrived at the gates to the Eastern Creek Quarantine station at about 20 minutes before they opened up at 10am.  We were first in line (no surprise there), but two other cars pulled up behind us just a couple of minutes later with similarly anxious pet owners eager to spring their animals from the lock-up.

At 10am exactly, the door to the office was opened (it was like the store doors opening for the Boxing Day shopping crowds).  Because Heather was at the front of the line she did not have to use her elbows to shove anyone out of the way so that she could get to her baby!  After producing her picture ID and signing some paperwork confirming we were there to collect Bernard, it was through another doorway and into a shed containing all of the crates of the pets to be released that day.  His was easy to pick out amongst the 10 or so that were lined up.

The quarantine handler let him out of his crate.  As soon as he heard our voices his ears pricked up.  He swivelled his head and when he saw us he rushed right at us and started pawing and licking us - he was obviously as happy to see us as we were to see him again!

Genuine smiles all around after a couple of tough weeks apart

Everyone was happy to be together again

It took about 30 minutes to take his crate apart and shoe-horn it into the back of the rental car.  While I was doing that, Heather and Bernard made good use of their time together taking a short walk (he still cant go too far but he was moving pretty well), then he got a serve of raw ground beef mixed with steamed rice - one of his favourite meals.

Once the reunion had cooled down it was time to hit the road again and start the drive back to Adelaide.

It is great to be a complete 'pack' once again.

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