Thursday 14 May 2015

Finally... We are all in Adelaide

The road trip across New South Wales, part of Victoria and South Australia was trouble free, albeit a bit grey with drizzling rain on and off for most of the way.  Nonetheless, we are now all safely in Adelaide.

We made a quick stop to take a photo of the 'Welcome to South Australia' sign on the side of the highway as we entered our new home state. 

Once inside South Australia we stopped at a couple of roadside fruit vending stalls in the Riverland to buy some produce direct from the growers.  It was all great quality stuff and it felt good to be paying full value to the farmer directly rather than having a large grocery chain as the middle man taking an overly large cut of the action.

Apples, oranges, grapes, dried apricots, sultanas (raisins), pistachio nuts, butternut pumpkins and all sorts of melons are grown in the area and were for sale at roadside stalls

With just the final leg of the journey to Adelaide to complete we both mentioned we were now eager to be done with all of the travel and to get comfortable not having to be somewhere else tomorrow.

Below, the map of Australia shows Adelaide's location within the country.  The Adelaide metropolitan area has a population of close to 1.3 million (according to Wikipedia), which for those of you in Canada, makes it a just a bit larger than Calgary.  Despite the population it still feels more like an overgrown country town than your typical bustling western world city which is actually quite pleasant.

Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia: Population ~ 1.3M

Now off of the road, we are currently settling into our new neighbourhood  Our temporary accommodation is a neat little single floor place at street level in North Adelaide and will do very nicely while we search for our own home.  There is a butcher as well as a baker (but no candlestick maker), next door to our apartment and a nice coffee shop is across the road which is convenient.  Walking past the butcher shop window we saw a bone that was definitely a good size match for Bernard and couldn't help but buy it as a house / yard warming treat for him.

That bone should keep him occupied for a while!

Well, that's about all for now.  Stay tuned for the next installment of WTF? - Where are The Farrows?, when the reality of getting back into the daily grind full time in the office will have set in for me.

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