Thursday 4 April 2019

Long Time No Post!

Hello to all of you that may have started to think to yourselves, “WTF? - Where are The Farrows?”.  As it has been more than 8 months since our last blog, for those that may have been wondering where we are and what have been up to, may I say, “Thank you for thinking about us”. 

A brief update (August 2018 thru March 2019)

We had to put our lap of Australia on hold in late July last year when we received news from Canada that the health of Heather’s mother, Dorothy, was deteriorating rapidly.  We made it back in time to spend a bit more than 3 weeks with her and to be amongst family before she passed away.  Following the funeral we spent the next few weeks visiting family and friends in both Canada and the USA.  It was good to catch up with as many people as we did albeit under the sad circumstances that we were there.

Upon our return to Australia we stayed near home for a couple of months, except for a very enjoyable but quick 1 week trip to Phuket in Thailand (sorry there was no WTF? from Thailand but there was not much slow-time during the week we were there).

Beautiful scenery and colours on the Phi Phi Islands near Phuket

Bathing with Elephants at an Elephant Sanctuary

After Phuket we got ourselves, the car and caravan ready to hit the road again.

We pulled out of our driveway to resume our journey a week and a half before Christmas and have been on the road since travelling through the states of Victoria (VIC), New South Wales (NSW), and Queensland (QLD) during the Australian summer.  We have not strayed more than 200km or so from the coast during that time as it has been just too hot to go much further inland.  The trouble with being relatively close to the beautiful east coast of Australia in the summertime is that everyone else is trying to be there too - especially during school holidays and long weekends!  Anyway, the kids are back in school and the sting has gone out of the summer, the crowds are gone, fire bans have been lifted and we are be able to have a camp fire once again.

Starting soon (I promise), I will post a blog summarising our journey through each of Victoria, NSW and Queensland since the resumption of our coddiwomple to get you filled in and up to date on our progress thus far before settling back into more detailed and regular posting of our adventures.

For those that hadn’t realised we had not posted anything for a while, I promise to try to make things more interesting moving forward!

WTF? - Where are The Farrows? are back on-the-road, off-of-the-grid, & online once again so stay tuned!

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