Wednesday 20 January 2016

It has been a while... and we have some bad news to report.

It has been a while since our last blog posting in October of last year and it is only now that I can bring myself to letting you know why.

While most people already know what has transpired, for those that do not, here is a brief summary to bring you up to speed...

In November our beloved dog and an integral part of our family, Bernard, was diagnosed with cancer.  Tests determined it was already widespread through his body and inoperable.  The vet thought we would have between one and three months more together.  We spent every possible minute with him during his remaining days.  Heather never left his side night or day and we both slept downstairs with him every night he was still with us with a hand on his back, butt or belly to give him comfort that we were there with him always.  If love were medicine he would have made a full recovery - but as powerful as love is, unfortunately it was not enough.

Just four weeks after being diagnosed he was gone.  He went to sleep on December 21st 2015 just about a month short of turning 7 years old.  We are devastated that he is no longer with us and is dearly missed.

Bernard loved the snow - he was made for it!

Honouring Bernard's memory.

The best times of all for the three of us were without doubt whenever we packed up our truck and hit the road to go camping.  Those road trips whether quick weekenders or three week tours were something special for us and were where the first 'travel game' postings of WTF - Where are The Farrows? originated.  Feedback from friends indicated you enjoyed seeing and reading about what we were up to.  As a result of that, and as a means of maintaining some form of contact with our friends across the globe given our relocation from Canada to Australia in May 2015, this blog was created.

So after a few difficult weeks and a very sombre Christmas period while our feelings of loss and hurt have been so raw, we now think that we are ready to (need to) get back into some camping and to re-start the creation of more good memories - he would have wanted that.  It won't be the same without him but to honour Bernard's memory we have committed to getting back into the road-trip and camping saddle again.

Standby for new blog postings to recommence in the near future.

You brought great joy into our lives every single day and will always be with us in our hearts.
Rest In Peace my beautiful boy.

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