Wednesday 30 September 2015

An evening at the Drive-In

Hello everyone.

It has been a while since my last posting - I apologize for that but we have been busy settling into our house and our new routines so we haven't got out and about too much.

Heather and I are well but Bernard's left hind leg has started to give him some considerable grief when getting up and down and walking.  As a result of this he will be seeing the vet yet again during October to try and address his lameness once and for all (as best we can).

Anyway, now for the subject of this posting...

Last night we found ourselves at the drive-in for the first time in a very very long time for both of us.  We went to see a movie called 'Oddball'.

Promotional poster for the movie

It is based on a true story about how a Maremma dog (same breed as Bernard) saved a colony of penguins from being decimated by foxes.  There were once over a thousand penguins in this colony and their numbers got down to as few as 15 before they put the Maremma (Oddball) amongst the penguins to guard them.  Since the dog (and subsequently other Maremmas) went to work not a single penguin has been lost to foxes and the colony is flourishing once more.  It is a feel good family movie and lots of kids were there (it is school holidays here at the moment) but it was of particular interest for us as we have a Maremma ourselves.

As it turned out Bernard was allowed to be in the car with us so we took him to the movie as well (if you click on the photo below it will enlarge and you can get a better look at him filling up the back of the car).

Bernard in the car at the drive-in to see his Maremma movie star cousin 'Oddball'

'Oddball' and Bernard look almost exactly the same so at times we swore it could have been Bernard in the movie.

We had some popcorn, Bernard had some dog treats and a good time was had by all!

That's all for our recent outing so you now know the latest about WTF - Where are The Farrows?

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