Wednesday 24 June 2015

From inside the Artist's Studio

We have a new and interesting experience to report on this week - Heather and Bernard were asked to sit and pose as models for a group of sketch artists, painters and a sculptor!

How did this come about?  Well I am glad you asked...

Recently, towards the conclusion of one of Bernard's numerous daily exercise walks, he had a bit more energy left to burn off than usual and was not ready to go home just yet.  He started snapping and tugging at Heather's coat tails while she was walking alongside him - he wanted to play tug and was not letting go.  Those people that have met Bernard will understand that he is a big boy and will be able to appreciate that when he is in a feisty mood and wants to do his own thing he can be quite a handful to control.  After a couple of minutes of this Heather had had enough as he was being particularly unruly so she told him to 'STOP IT!'  Suitably rebuked Bernard came to heel and let go but unbeknownst to our intrepid duo a woman standing in a nearby doorway had been watching the show.  The doorway, which is literally next door to our apartment, just happens to be the front door to the Adelaide Art Society studio.

The Adelaide Art Society now resides in what was formerly a grain store

She must have noticed what a striking and interesting pair Heather & Bernard made so after a brief chat she asked if they would mind sitting as subjects for a group of artists to draw, paint and sculpt - and she was willing to pay them to do so!  The invitation was duly accepted and so it was that on Monday 22nd June, my Heather and Bernard officially became professional 'models'.    I think it was Linda Evangelista that once said "I don't get out of bed for less than $10000 a day."  Now neither Heather nor Bernard will get out of bed for less than $50! (ha ha).

From all accounts a good time was had by all with both the subjects and the artists enjoying their time together.  He was well behaved (unlike the behaviour he had been displaying that resulted in them getting the gig in the first place).  A final 2 hour sitting is to be done next week so that the group can put the finishing touches to what they have started.

It is amazing how differently a group of people looking at the same subject at the same time in the same setting can see things and then there is the different way each artist captures what they see.  Below are a couple of photos of their works in progress.
Portrait of Heather and Bernard
One of the painters was a little more abstract...

That's all for now.  Once the paintings and sculpture are finished I will post an update for all to see.

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